I'm like school in summer: No Class!
Clinical Exercise Prescription (KIN 6056) starts Monday, July 1st for Point Loma Nazarene UniversityPlease purchase your copy of the American College of Sports Medicine's Guidelines for Exercise Testing & Prescription: 11th edition
EXS 125 starts Tuesday, August 28th online for Scottsdale Community College.There is no text for this course. For more visit the EXS 125 page
Visit MCCD's Canvas site for all exams, quizzes and discussion boards.Use MCCDs Canvas site for HES 100, HES 201, EXS 125 and EXS 145, EXS 290.
If you are a prospective employer, please visit my CV page which is an interactive portfolio. You will find the web address and password in cover letters or correspondence. Please send me email if you have any difficulty.